Airport Shuttle Bus

2019-11-29edit Wilson

In this developing Yangon Metropolis, the bus system is vital for the citizens to move as if it is their daily routine. Everybody wishes to reach the destination safely, comfortably, and peacefully. The middle class like us who can’t afford to buy a car or to take a taxi has to rely on public transit to go to work and to come back home safely and in time.  In this changing world, Yangon has more places to visit then before and now there is a premium public transit called YBS (Yangon Bus service). As they are running with the definite numbers on the definite route, you can comfortably get to your destination under the aircon. Now you don’t need to rent a taxi to get to the airport. There is the YBS Airport bus from Sule to the airport. Don’t think that you can’t get onto the bus with your big luggage; they have already announced that you can since the buses started to run. It only costs 500kyats so passengers can conveniently go to the airport with a small amount of money. YBS Airport Bus started running at 2018, June 22.

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Airport Shuttle Bus
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