East and West Sightseeing Mountain or Mount Shae-Myin Nout-Myin

2019-05-27edit Htoo


For most of the travelers in Myanmar, Shan State has become an attractive place to hike and trek. It has been increasing its popularity among the start-up hikers for the past couple of years. Cities in Shan State are surrounded by most of the mountains and the weather there is cool and pleasant like no other cities do. So, for its pleasurable weather and satisfying accommodation, the trekking business in Shan State has been gradually expanding and evolving among the adventurers.

When it comes to trekking around Shan State, I am well-known as an active and enthusiastic trekker. I am always down for trekking to newly found paths which I’ve never been before. Each and every trekking trip have brought me new experiences and all of them were memorable and exciting. East and West sightseeing mountain were in my bucket list to trek for so long but I didn’t have a chance to go wander it yet because no one was there to accompany me. But this time, one of my close friends, U Ye’, wanted me to join in his trekking trip to East and West sightseeing mountain so I gladly join him to accomplish my bucket list.

Enough with the small talk! Let’s go wander about my trekking trip to Mount East and West sightseeing.



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East and West Sightseeing Mountain or Mount Shae-Myin Nout-Myin
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