Lovely Andaman sea from golden city Dawei

2019-02-28edit nyeinsuwai

History of Dawei

Lovely-Andaman Dawei is the capital city of Tanintharyi Region, the lower part of Myanmar. Dawei was founded at 1116ME on the 3rd of Waning Tabaung according to the Myanmar Calendar. As the saying goes “Oak AoAwwThiDawei Ti" meaning that Oak, Ao, and Aww refer to 1 in Myanmar alphabet astrologically, and Thi refers to 6 in the same way; Ti means to be built. The original TharKa Ra old town had been founded many years ago, in the era of the 17 Duck of TharKa Ra: he renamed the current Dawei City as a TharYarWaddy. The name was derived from the Dawei Ethnic Group. However, some said that the name descended from the Mon language “Hawai” which mean to the sitting posture of the Lord Buddha while having brunch where the term used for the posture is read similar to Dawei. Some also said that the name was possibly derived from the town called Daunt Kwei built by King Nara Pate Sithu near the village of Kyauk Twin in the township of KaLaung Lon. Dawei people not only have their own language but also have their own sounds relating to their language. What is certain is that Dawei is more than just naturally beautiful with its natural beauty and its traditional heritage.


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Lovely Andaman sea from golden city Dawei
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