Kingdom of AVA, now called Inn-Wa

2019-10-24edit Htoo


Reading time (5 min 42 sec)
Inn-Wa is the reason why I went to Mandalay this time. If it weren’t for Inn-Wa, I wouldn’t be traveling to Mandalay. It can be reached from Mandalay in just 20 minutes’ drive but I haven’t got a chance to go there yet. So, for this time, I am going whatever it takes to Inn-Wa for the very first time. My intention of traveling this time is to explore the ancient heritages of royal cities in Myanmar as Inn-Wa is considered one of them. I am a very enthusiastic traveler when it comes to historic places. I want to discover the glorious sights of how beautiful were our royal cities once upon a time. Inn-Wa city is located near the confluence of the Ayeyarwadi river from the south of Mandalay and Dotehtawadi river. It was first founded by Thadoe King around AD 1364-1368. It has been standing as a royal city for over 400 years and Bagyi-Taw King (1819-1837) was the last king to ever rule Inn-Wa. The city has to offer loads of priceless works of ancient generation to discover and moreover, many interesting iconic places to visit. Enough rewinding back about Inn-Wa for now. Let’s get to talk about the places you need to visit in Inn-Wa.

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Kingdom of AVA, now called Inn-Wa
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