La Riziere Buvette, A tavern in Paddy field

2019-12-10edit MyoMinThu

In the dim and distant past, when the farmers of Myanmar using mostly a couple of cows to work in the paddy fields, they used to wake up at dawn to start their hard-working days.

As soon as they had arrived at the fields, a lot of tasks await them. They need to sprinkle the paddy seeds in time, and other agricultural chores are to finish during the morning. Their break time is noon and it is lunchtime. At that time, either their spouses would bring lunch box or they are to have lunch which is brought along with them so eagerly, at a paddy field house, which is made of bamboo. It is "a ravenous appetite" for them as they had worked so tiredly for the whole morning. For the farmers from Myanmar; you can say a paddy field house is a little paradise, to take rest, for their all-day hard working. Now, I would like to introduce La Riziere Buvette, A tavern in Paddy field, “a paddy field house”, which is renovated a traditional paddy field house with modern design, where I had been during last trip to the Nyaung Shwe township.

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La Riziere Buvette, A tavern in Paddy field
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