"The Teak Spa and Restaurant" - Enjoy delicious food, spa and massage at Naypyidaw -

2019-06-03edit MyoMinThu

Article-about-the-Teak Today, we would like to present the Fine dining restaurant in Naypyitaw. Naypyitaw is the capital city of Myanmar and there are many administrative offices. Most people will come to Naypyitaw on their business trips, so, they may found it so difficult to get the chance of making relaxation there. Do you want to relax and reduce your work stress by doing body spa massage, swimming and eating the fresh Thai food when you arrived in Naypyitaw? Let me introduce one place that is a mini compound, you can be served all of those services there. That place is located in Naypyitaw, and called “The Teak Spa and Restaurant”.




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"The Teak Spa and Restaurant" - Enjoy delicious food, spa and massage at Naypyidaw -
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